Posts tagged Green IT
Is 'IT' Green?: Optimization for platforms

Now I have the characters completed the final stage is to optimise the characters to work in game.

I worked at 300 dpi so we can print these characters large and to a high quality, this is useful for the marketing department. As we have huge files it’s easy to alter the image to a lower resolution. BUT keep loads of backups and don't overwrite your original Photoshop file! You can always make a folder called original files. It doesn’t hurt to have a copied back up, in fact it's advised.

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Is 'it' green?: Incorporating character stereotypes

Always reference from real life: I restricted myself to certain nationality groups. I was aiming to capture a typical Slovenian/Italian etc face type; taking into consideration features such as eye shape, skin tone, hair colour, etc. Often determining these traits are big generalisations and not factual but it is good to have recognisable traits in your characters so people more easily associate with the nationality, age group, occupation etc your character belongs too.

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